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I see alot of people fail to read the title and the original post very well as I see hate on some consoles not being there when it clearly says last 20 years.

My thoughts on the list though are its alright but doesnt seem heavily thought out and and clearly didnt do much handheld gaming but hey it's an opinion and they are entitled to it but I choose to disagree with their list.

1. Nintendo DS
2. PS1
3. GBA
4. PS2
5. Nintendo 64
6. GBC
7. PS3
8. Xbox 360
9. Gamecube
10. Wii

My list is a bit different then theirs and as you can see the last 20 years my tastes in gaming has been heavy on the handheld side :) BTW PS3 and 360 are almost the same console but I chose the PS3 because even though it had the inferior online aspect, you can't deny it had the better exclusives lineup but both consoles dont rank high for me.

(The 3DS will more then likely be in my top 5 by the end of its lifetime but I choose not to rank it intill it has a few more years under it's belt)