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Yes. PS4 will probably outsell the XBOne world wide - It always has. I think that it will be much closer than most people think. M$ can't let the Xbox fail, as it is an integral part of their new generation of integrated products. If Xbox fails, the Win Phone fails, and then Windows fails - they are all integrated. They will drop the price a $100 next year if they need to to make sure that the XBOne gets into people living rooms. The common misconception for the gaming fanatics is to believe the stuff talked about in these forums as the opinions of the general public. Everyone knows that both systems will sell out the first 3- 6 months as the fanboys gobble them up. The difference, is that during that time, M$'s marketing machine will be digging for the real gold, the casual market. The PS4 doesn't have anything different for the casual gamer than the PS3. So, why would the average consumer pay $400 for that? If they want a Sony product, they will get the PS3. I know that most of the core gamers here could give a rats ass for the Kinect 2.0 and the HDMI pass through, but thats where the gold is. Of course, M$ has a big hurdle to get over with their price, but if they decide to be competitive, they will be. We will see where things are in Feb of 2015 to get a lot better feel of how this gen will play out.