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@OP - yup! Sony's going to win, and Nintendo's going to likely go to portable gaming only, questionable about MS's response to it all.

But Sony will dominate the console market and box out the competition, making all the developers want to come only to them, allowing Sony to raise the price of their games and ultimately their consoles. The unfortunate side-effect, like Nintendo back in the late 80s/early 90s. Costs will be high and the market will get saturated with games, and players will have to pick and choose, causing some games to not sell well. The end result there will be the closing of all but the biggest studios, who will sit on their laurels and release sequel after sequel of the same rehashed series.

At the end of fighting the console war, the gamer will realize they're the only ones who lose.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey