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Great writeup on Wii Fit is still in progression at 4 Color Rebellion. 

A well known blogger who's been tracking how Wii Fit has affected him. Total results: -4.6 lbs in 3 weeks. He says pants that he'd gotten too large for now fit him again, several people have complemented him, and he's quite confident that he's put muscle on in place of fat (meaning he's lost more than 4.6 lbs of fat, and replaced some with denser muscle).

He seems surprised and pleased with the product. His respose to it is very much like what Miyamato said a couple weeks ago: the most important thing, for him, has been awareness of his body and of fitness, not necessarily the weight gain itself. Several friends of his apparently now have interest in the game specifically because of his experiences, and it sounds like this game is selling virally.">">