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I wish there was an I don't know option. As someone who's Agnostic, I don't know if there is a god or not and I believe that there is no way of knowing.

That being said, the answer varies. Strict fundamentalists would say that God only goes after those who have angered him. Someone who believes in fate would say that God has an ultimate plan for the universe. 18th century Deists would argue that God has no interaction with people on Earth because people are born with free will and are in control of their own lives. An atheist will say there is no god.

As someone who believes that there is no real way of knowing if any deity exists, I think we should best follow the example of the deists and believe in free will, the right to control your own, to take responsibility for your own actions. Although I can't say wether free will or fate exists, I would like to believe that I am not bound to fate.

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