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Pemalite said:

In regards to the UI, the Xbox One should have the advantage, DDR3 Memory typically has roughly a 20% latency advantage over GDDR5 so it will help a little, whether that's perceptable by people is another matter entirely.

Plus, unlike Sony, Microsoft has been building fully fledged and functional Operating Systems for decades, so one would expect it will be fluid and fast with minimal resources, just use a Windows Phone with it's under-powered hardware and you will quickly see what I mean! The equivalent hardware usually chugs on Android or iOS.
Plus, through this entire current generation the Xbox 360 certainly had the advantage in the amount of resources the OS used compared to the PS3, especially in memory consumption and CPU time.

Things like Video Streaming and general media playback will be processed, not by the CPU, but by AMD's UVD hardware in the GPU in a best case scenario, which is more energy efficient and faster than on the CPU, otherwise the rest should be offloaded to the GPU's compute shaders with the rest of the processing on the CPU.

As far as how games will perform compared to the PS4, the Multi-platforms should be relatively similar, just like how Multiplatforms on consoles and PC are similar despite being 1,000x more powerfull, it's the exclusives and the big developers willing to put the extra effort in that will really shine.

Just to add... I don't know how it works in Xbone but the video record/streaming in PS4 is outside the GPU (no UVD)... there are a chip in the HDMI output that get the data and save or stream to the internet... I don't know if this work is done by the ARM processor or another coprocessers but it is outside the APU.