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ethomaz said:

endimion said:

the bombs= each console launch
apparently AMD has some kind of NDA with MS tied in with the 3billion deal they made with Ms and it runs out end of sept...
and surprises.. well we have seen the full story on MS side I'm sure of it... it's an habit with MS for almost every business they touch.. they like to be mysterious almost to the end...

but then again the behind close door demo that wowed the press is what intrigues me the most.... because at the end it's all about the games... I'd rather have XB1 turn out to be less powerful than expected but with amazing games than it turn out more powerful than PS4 in practice and have average bland games... and I hope the PS fan feel the same.... for their own sake


Killzone looks better than anything showed in Xbone... inFAMOUS a level ahead Killzone... DriveClub new build looks better than Forza 5... sure.

There are not 29th September special sauce.

This is a matter of oppinion lol

To me Driveclub is way behind Forza. Also running at 60FPS, no matter what they are "planning", it isnot the case yet. Linking your own thread with videos is not proving anything.
On the hand, Killzone does not really look better than Crysis 3; which looks awesome I have to admit, but certainly not a leap in generation (again it is my oppinion).

The only thing I'm agreeing with you is about the Sep. 29th; nothing special here in my oppinion.