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well it will be the only good fighting game releasing this season on next gen consoles... it is a nostalgia thing for most of us.... the price is really low, every account so far have been positive... double helix has been listening to feed back and is working almost directly with players to tweak each characters.... and they have been supported by rare and under the close watch of MS...

so so far all the potential negs I have heard have been addressed and seem to be going in the right direction

(to all the one that say you'll have a ton of jago maube but I still doubt that, at 5 bucks the new character and 20 all of them I'm sure people that want to play online the game will at least buy an other character just to play versus locally with friends and 20 bucks ain't that much if you like the game and want to play a lot online, because if you get bored to see jao all the time I'm sure the one playing it will also get bored)