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Jumpin said:
It's because both Conservatism and Libertarianism are both ideologies which reward the greedy and punish those in unfortunate situations.

The biggest difference between them are that conservatives are more honest to themselves about the consequences of their ideology in that they create a situation where the rich and greedy are awarded with freedom and power. Not too dissimilar from the high class of a fascist society.

Actually, Libertarians expect those in unfortunate situations to be helped by individuals through volunteerism and private sector involement.   Rather than being forced to support others, they want the choice to be theirs.  It doesn't make them greedy or want to punish those of unfortunate circumstances.  You need to understand that it's not that they don't want those that need help to be able to get help, they simply believe that help should come from a different source.

They also believe that their policies would reduce the number of people in those unfortunate situations to begin with.

The rEVOLution is not being televised