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I'll just put it here...


“The world has changed after 9/11”… this is a common place. So what have actually changed in the world after these ten years aside from metal detectors and other means of airport security? On the one hand, obviously everything. On the other, almost nothing. 

On the day when Americans marked sad anniversary of 9/11, fighters of Al-Qaeda, trained and armed by the US, have been celebrating their victory on the streets of Tripoli over Lybian regime, which recently was the US ally in fighting terrorism. Ten years after 9/11 Al-Qaeda and other groups of islamists are conisdered an acceptable tool for ruling out the US local tasks not only in Lybia or Syria. Today it is considered acceptable to threaten various countries from Central Asia to Russia and China with Arab spring scenario. Just at the right time, at 10th year anniversary, the world has learned about the deaths of mythical leaders of world terrorism, Osama bin Laden and mullah Omar. Traces of their bodies have vanished into thin air. Two memorial pools have been opened on the place of WTC. It’s either the pools of tears, or “dump the bodies into the water” to cover all things up. 

Similar to the whole story around 9/11, it’s not important after all who and how blew those towers up. What is important here is it was just in the right time, satisfying existing demand in the US, when they just started to going down into the current crisis. The geography of the US wars with world terrorism surpisingly matched geopolitics of oil – the task of controlling main source of hydrocarbonates and the ways of its transportation. As the result practically all oil and gas extraction of the Gulf, aside from Iran, were under occupation. At the same time “world on terror” allowed almost uncontrollably to ramp up budget fundings, openning possibilities for dollar emission and creating bigger national debt. 

Mindless euphoria of the only superpower. You don’t have to take into consideration not only enemies, but even allies. You don’t need anyone. Because you could print money as much as you want. Free money – the thing is more dangerous than any military advantage. What’s the difference between Bush and Obama administrations? Obama adminstration could not afford to print money all they want anymore. It prints them anyway, but it understands that they are going to pay for it. Obama’s America has been terrified by crisis and feels its vulerability. It is feeling the limits of its power. Nevertheless it has to support its dominance. 

Wars of Bush, so called “war on terror”, are basically “wars of order”. In other words, the task is to establish new world order (you remember? “new Middle East” coined by Condoleezza Rice). They had the euphoria and confidence that they could support that order. 

Wars of Obama are wars “in defence of revolting people, against the violence of the regime”. These are “wars of chaos”, in which terrorists are viable allies. There’re no power to support an order anymore. Nevertheless there’s still a power to create and control chaos. Wars of Obama are wars of controlable chaos.

Here’s the tendency, irreversible tendency: order > controlable chaos > uncontrolable chaos. Since the current crisis often credited as systemic crisis, in other words it is irreversible crisis. The power to control the chaos will run out sooner or later, which is the suggested resolution of systemic crisis. The end of one system and the birth of another. In chaos. Very unpleasant spectacle.