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Slimebeast said:
A couple of questions by a European:

Who is most liberal/left - Hillary or Obama? And how do they compare to Bill?
(try to do a prediction.. picture the two in the role of the next president.. would they be less or more left/liberal than Bill Clinton?)

What is their policy about immigration? And how do they compare to Bush (about immigration). And is there much debate in the US about immigration?

Hard to say, Hilary Clinton used to be more conservative then Bill Clinton. Since then she seems to have moved to the left of him.

Buisness&Economics - Both are more "traditionally liberal" as Clinton was a bit of a Big Buisness Democrat

Social Issues - practically the same. Everything should play out the same way whether their positions are the same or not. Pro Choice judges are i can see.

Immigration - hard to say, it's really only a republican issue. It's a BIG issue among republicans because they tend to get the "immigrants stole my job" non-union vote. While the Democrats get the "Immigrants are going to steal are job" union votes. However the Union Democrats have been ignored for a while since they are basically stuck with the democrats one way or another.  The talk of NAFTA reform should be enough to keep them on the party line mostly.  Though i'd be the "renegotiations" won't get anywhere and the president won't pull out.

Also the borders being so lose is a national security issue which is more of a republican issue. (Despite the fact that the only state hit by terrorist attacks is mostly populated by democrats.)

Usually Democrats want to make them citizens and then secure the border, just like Bush did interestingly, i'd guess to make sure the republican party got a lionshare of latino voters.

Basically there wont' be much difference here between them and McCain. McCain might try a little harder to secure the border... that's about it.

Military deployment - Hilary More Liberal, Obama... about the same maybe slightly more conservative. Bill Clinton wasn't afraid to bomb other countries as well.

Healthcare - About the same, maybe. Clinton didn't seem to care much about Healthcare and let Hillary pursue universal healthcare and she failed at it. So there wouldn't be any policy differences.