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mrstickball said:
One quick thing about Obama and Democrats......

(and please don't take this as random flaming, but I'm not joking about this):

Despite the fact that the party is to the contrary (or appears to be), there are alot of Democrats in my area that are racists. I know quite a few people that, should Obama get nominated, will not vote for him. This *could* play into an issue for some voters. I'm sure this margin is not very large, but atleast where I live, there are a few people (Ohio, btw) that are VERY ANGRY that Obama has somehow jumped up from a double digit deficit, to start manhandling Hiliary. And I'm not talking just random Dems, but party-line dems, and even a few County Leaders.

McCain is just enough nutzo and enough of a moderate, he *might* be able to capture this part of the vote.

Hah, you've noticed that too. I've just atributed it to Ohio being Ohio and being a weird mix of normal people and hicks. I know someone who refuses to believe Barak O Bama isn't muslim. (the fact that means something says something.) They think he's lieing or something.

I don't think it's that prevelant and just that racists stick out like sore thumbs.

The more democratic areas should be fine as they've had no problem electing black guys anyway.    

I don't think it would be that much of a swing, as i think a lot of people who usually can't find time to vote, would for Obama in areas in cleveland.  Plus Ken Blackwell won't be around to screw everything up.  

That guy's idocy became so transparant when he was elected.  Even if he didn't do anything he should be smart enough to know it's a bad idea to be both head of the election board and head of the "re-elect george bush" comitee.

Also being head of the election board and mysteriously not knowing he owned stock in the company of the voter's machines he went out of the way to buy who didn't even fufill the requirements voted on. (to prvent fraud).

Man that guy was an idiot.