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No matter what we do in the region, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't.

The reason why Iraq was important to the US is because of:

1. The Chaney Doctrine. A document presented to Pres. George H. W. Bush by then Def. Sec. Chaney and written by then Under Sec. Def. in 1992. It postulated that if you brought democracy to Iraq (which we had crossed over into in the first Gulf War), then the whole region would destabilize because people would see how great democracy is and seek to overthrow their dictatorial and monarchy governments. The result of which would be a favorable relationship with the US and greater access to cheaper oil.

2. George W. Bush's daddy issues. Bush thought and wanted to be a better president than his father.

3. A lie. More a series of lies meant to shore up the reason to go to war.

4. Saddam Hussein. Let's face it, the man stupidly walked into the "trap" the Bush Admin. set for him. He did everything to help make the case for the US. Primarily by throwing UN weapons inspectors out.

So why aren't we invading Syria?

Syria is responsible for just 0.5% the world oil reserves, and there is no one in office to hand oil production rights off to an American company in a no-bid contract as the Bush Administration did with Haliburton in Iraq.