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mrstickball said:

Ever looked at his voting record?

100% NARAL & Planned Parenthood rating in 2007

15% Americans for Tax Reform in 2007

16% from the National Taxpayers Union

16% from the National Association of Manufacturers

10% from the Business-Industry PAC in 2007

17% from the NFIB in 2007

80% Rating from the ALCU

100% Rating from the Americans for Separation of Church & State

8% Rating from the American Conservative Union

A Rating from the NEA

0% Rating from the Family Research Council

13% from Citizens against Government Waste

F Rating from the NRA


How is that middle of the road? It's pretty cut and dry on both sides of the fence.

It's as if you didn't even read my post.  Look at the positions he takes, not just "yes" or "no" issues.  The problem with these ranking and rating sites is that they label every bill as either a "liberal" bill or a "conservative" bill, so there's essentially no difference between an extreme left position or a slightly left of center position.  They both count the same.  And I'm not saying that examining his record is a bad way of determining his positions, but I am saying that this is a bad way to examine anyone's record.