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TheLastStarFighter said:
Incubi said:
Moneyhatting for Nintendo just doesn't work. Collaborations don't work. We're seeing it just now as i'm typing this.

They collaborate with NamcoBandai on SSBU. A huge project. One would think it improves relationships and NamcoBandai will bring their franchises to WiiU? NO! Where is Dark Souls 2? Where is Soul Calibur? Where is Ridge Racer? Where is the next Tales game? Where is the next Gundam? Not on WiiU, thats for sure.

They moneyhat Capcom for MH main series exclusivity. You'd think that constitute an improved relationship? NO! Where is Ultra SF4? The new Strider game? With all their other franchises the message is the same from Capcom: "We have no plans to bring this and that to WiiU".

They moneyhat SE for Dragon Quest main series exclusivity. You'd think that constitute to SE bringing their other franchises? NO! Where is Final Fantasy 15? Kingdom Hearts 3? Tomb Raider? They give us effin' mmo Dragon Quest. I dont give a flying F for mmo dragon quest while i'd kill for a traditional DQ ala DQ 7 and 8.

The same goes for Sega, Konami, and TecmoKoei. In Sega's case they have Sonic exclusivity. Does that bring Virtua Fighter, Yakusa, Phantasy Star Online 2 or any other franchise to WiiU? No.

These companies just cant be depended on AT ALL.

Therefore, number one and two alongside improved marketing would be the way to go.

They money hatted Capcom for MH4. Vita has been still born to date and 3DS has an 85% market share. I would say that particular money hat worked quite well.

You clearly did'nt get my point. Nintendo have a strategy of building relationships through collaborations and moneyhatting Japanese publishers in an effort to make them invest their other franshises into Nintendo products. Like the WiiU for example. In the context of what this thread is about I stand by my original post.