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sienster said:
koffieboon said:
HappySqurriel said:

In my opinion, the Republicans can win if they can get voters to vote based on the issues ...

Obhama is a very charismatic speaker (albeit has a speech writer who likes to "borrow" elements from other speakers) who can inspire people but when it comes to the issues he is quite terrifying; he seems like a HUGE government liberal and many of his policies could be considered fascistic.

Care to explain or do you just believe everything right wing tv channels say?

Anyway, from an outside perspective the Bush administration, with the aid of a Republican Congress, made a complete mess of the US, do people really expect a new Republican president to fix it?

Care to explain or do you just believe everything left wing tv channels say?  So really, Bush ruined the country, huh?  Economists say that it takes ten years from an admintrations time in office to see how they affected the economy.  From my watch, that would put the blame for the economy squarely on the shoulders of the Clinton administration.  Bush is actually trying to fix the economy to avoid a recession.

I completly agree on this fact.  While Bush's methods may not be the best in the world the man who has been constantly hailed as the greatest genuis of the economy is really the source for a lot of it's problems.  Alan Greenspan is a very smart man, but he pumped the intrest rate high enough that it caused the ARM's to be sky high.  Now the current head of the Fed is lowering the rates, but the damage has already been done.  At this point we are seing the dollar drop like a rock because of the rate cuts, but there isn't much of a better choice.

Not saying the rate didn't need raising at all like Greenspan did, he just wasn't proactive enough to fix his mistakes before he left office.  Ironicaly enough the new guy is getting screwed because of it.