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Somini said:
nightsurge said:

More ignorance I see...

You are making more assumptions out of nothing. And to be honest, I don't need to do research because my career already involves the kind of knowledge you are asking for.

Respawn isn't talking about MS cloud powered games, just the dedicated server aspect of it.

If you don't stop spreading fud and misinformation I will report you. It is against the rules.

Stop calling him names in every post you make, if you felt your argument was sound enough you wouldn't have urge to do that.

As for having access first hand, AMD does and they said this themselves. That they retracted their comment does not mean it's true, it means their partner didn't like it being in the open. You can't be THAT unknowning of how corporations do this kinda thing!

I did not call him any names. You must be misreading things.

And AMD did not say this, one manager at AMD said it. They retracted it because it was inaccurate and didn't specify in what ways. Im sure they do have an NDA that prevents them from talking about either chip. I believe other people also pointed out that it was a poor translation and that the original statement never said anything about MS's chip not having huma. I could be wrong, but I swear I read that somewhere in this mess of a thread and elsewhere.