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ShinmenTakezo said:
nightsurge said:

Oh the retraction was just one piece of the pie. The fact that there is tons of other evidence supporting that Xbox One had the same/similar technology is overwhelming.

I find it hilarious that you kept calling people out for "listening to the talking heads" or whatnot, yet you jump on ONE tiny, poorly translated statement by someone from AMD.

What exactly do YOU have to try and prove you are right (that PS4 has this unified memory tech and Xbox One doesn't)?

This article is from April. Me, and many others on here it seems listened to Mark Cerny when he spoke. He addresses using edram would have been a complication and a UNIFIED MEMORY SYSTEM is better. That statement he makes tells you that you cannot have hUMA with an edram chip on die. Then there is the fact that AMD confirms this. Then you do a little research on what hUMA is and what it means. Finally you mix in a little logic, and wa-la.

Your tons of evidence comes soley from MS and one "retracted" statement from AMD. Do some research and stop repeating things MS talking heads have been saying. These guys have been lying through their teeth since the reveal, yet you take their word like it's the gospel.

You do realize the irony in what you keep saying, right?

I bolded it to make it stand out more.

You believe your Sony sources and AMD, but won't believe Microsoft sources and AMD. Is it possible that this is because you only want to believe in your precious PS4? :)

Using eSRAM has NOTHING to do with unified memory system. It is separate entirely. Both the CPU/GPU in both the PS4 and Xbox One have access to the full 8GB of RAM (with MS deciding to split things between OS and Games). The remainder of the "for games" RAM can be accessed from either processor at the same time. The only thing the esRAM does is help move smaller bits of data at extremely fast rates where it makes sense.

Considering that devs have been using eDRAM on 360 for 8+ years now and have had great success with it, I think you will find that Mark Cerny's comments were "PR bullshit" that you and many others keep talking about, and that developers will have no problem using it in their games. Both systems have their benefits and drawbacks, and both companies have very good reasons for their decisions.

You really have to stop being so hypocritical in your posts.