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Machiavellian said:
Nem said:

I am pretty sure sony will have dedicated servers aswell, especially destiny. This power of the cloud is just microsoft trying to catch fools yet again.

I do not think there was never a question that Sony will have dedicated servers.  The question is will Sony have dedicated servers for every 3rd party developer big or small for their system.  Also another thing to think about coverage and capacity.  How many servers will they have and how many MP games will they be able to host at what cost.  The power of the cloud is MS taking what they know how to do and applying it to the gaming space.  Forget buzz words and think about giving every developer free access and very cheap dedicated servers so they can make their games better.  

Its something most people try to dismiss because its not as tangable as graphics but I am sure for developers whether they are your 5 man indie team or 200 strong COD team, having free access to a very powerful, storage and computation infrastructure including cheap dedicated servers that allow you to not bleed money is a huge plus.

I agree, the"power of the Cloud" has many meanings beyond the obvious.