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hmmm read the thread till page 6.... My guess is pre orders are completely skewed anyway..... since pre orders are only concerning core gamers....
-a lot of them have jumped on PS4 early on due to the initial fiasco....
-those are also multi plat buyers that will more than likely buy at least 2 console per generation....
-a lot of XB potential buyers are still waiting to know more since fiasco too
-the pre order momentum won't matter much IMO this gen.... the hipe factor around and post launch will be the biggest factor and played right MS can win US with the features...

finally if PS4 actually beats 4:1 they will more than likely be in shortage until past Christmas and that alone could allow XB1 to get closer to PS4 before it gets available again... this is not the Wii... people that buy PS/XB have almost the same taste in games for the most part (yeah not all but you get the point compared to the Wii last gen)

and I sincerely think that this gen will turn out to be the tightest race ever and unless XB1 actually suck ass the gap will be really small in no time... at least it won't be like for PS3 this gen....

but we'll see.... I think in the 13 market it releases it will be around 2:1

can't wait.... to see that launch... it's exhilarating like a world cup final for me lol