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First I'm going to say the things I really liked about the game. 

  • I really really liked the motion control plus, it was by far one of the most interesting aspects about the game and the way enemies behave made a lot better.
  • I also really liked the story, it's not my favorite in the series but it's still great nonetheless, having to know the story of the first Zelda and the first Link (and the "first" Ganon I guess) was truly amazing, plus the characters were very good (aside of Fi which I'll go into detail later). 
  • The ground areas were really good, a lot of people like to bitch about them but I have no complaints. The desert is really great and I love the present-past mechanic with the time stones or whatever they are called.
  • The last dungeon (where you find the Triforce pieces) is by far my favorite Zelda dungeon ever, simple love the mechanic of being able to move the rooms and I hope they revisit the concept in another Zelda game. Also the pirate ship is amazing.

Those are the things I really liked, now the things I didn't:

  • The freaking Master Sword Fi, my god, if people thought Navi was annoying they haven't even touch SS, seriously Fi is by far the worst thing that has ever happened to Zelda. Always interrupting my gameplay to say some stupid things like "there's a 5% chance this is Zelda" and I'm like "Shut up!". Nothing she says is funny, it's only annoying, and don't get me started when my Wii mote battery was low... /rant over
  • While I liked the ground areas, the sky itself is bland and boring, there's nothing to do in it unless you gather the Goddess cubes, there's no point in exploring the sky. 
  • The night: when you think about it, there's only 3 areas where you can go at night (Skyloft, the pumpkin place and Bettle's house), and there's really nothing to do at night aside of collecting some gratitude crystals and some side quest. Maybe this is nitpicking, but I just didn't liked the way the night was handled is SS.
  • The third time you go to the forest when everything is flooded and you have to collect some musical notes or something like that, very tedious and unnecessary.

Overall I liked the game a lot. I put this as my 4th favorite Zelda game (top 3 are: OoT, WW, TP). 

Edit: I forgot about that when you restart the game you have to listen the explanation of collectibles. It's not as bad as TP when that happens with rupees but it's still very annoying.

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