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Puppyroach said:
Oh man, this whole "mine is more powerful than yours" is really getting tiresome. I think it is safe to agree that PS4 is a more capable machine than X1, if that will be seen in actual games remain to be seen.

But these are to incredibly powerful machines!! What the hell are you discussing!?

Last gen Wii, a slightly power-up GC, crushed MS and Sony saleswise. It is always, ultimately, a question regarding what kinds of eperiences you offer people, what games and services you give and of course, the pricing. For me, Son has the upperhand in pricing but behind in every other category. For a Sony fan, they probably have the upper hand in everything.

But how high would you actually rank a small difference in FUTURE graphics as a deciding factor??

These threads are so useless...

Agree.  Bottom line is both consoles have their strengths.  If you want to play ALL the quality games you'll probably have to buy all 3.  If you absolutely cannot affort it over the course of a 5+ year cycle (I would question how much time and money you should be investing into this hobby anyways) then pick the system that has the games you most want to play.