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Quite right, mancandy. That was an artifact of editing, after I had moved some sentences around, so I went back and fixed it.

But yeah, I had to listen to that argument all the time: MK versus SF. I was a Street Fighter fan, and even went and mastered MKII just to prove how simplistic the control scheme was compared to the subtlety and nuance of the Street Fighter series. So I was a fanboy, too - I know from personal experience how easy it is to fall into the trap. I also know, however, how easy it is to start drinking, smoking, and to get addicted to all sorts of things that I'm probably not supposed to talk about on here. I quit all of them except the video gaming, and I'm better off for it.

That does say something, though - I quit smoking, drinking, even drinking sugary sodas, but I can't quit Tetris. You'd think there would be a support group: Tetris Anonymous. If ever there was a game that needed a ten-step program, that would be it.
