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eFKac said:
Metallicube said:

I'm still torn.. PS4 definitly looks like Sony's most appealing console to me yet, being cheaper than Xbone and will probably have a better and more diverse library. If I DID get one it would also be my first Sony console.. But Xbone has Gears online, which cannot be experience on PS4, and which has been my favorite experience of this generation.

Is Gears Online a new game, or are you referring to the previous Gears titles?

Cause if it's the latter, then I think you should simply wait a year and see for yourself. What I mean is, Epic might not continue with the GeoW franchise altogether, Gears might become multiplat (Epic still owns the IP, and they are not going to sell it to MS), especially after quite weak Judgement sales, MS might not be willing to spend money on an exclusive deal for a bit tired franchise.

By holiday 2014 we might probably know the answer, Epic has not released a game since GeoW3, so it's very probable they will have something in store for 2014.

I just mean the online play in the Gears games. Proably spent more time playing that than most other current gen games combined.. If Gears does indeed go multiplat (or if Epic insists on cranking out future Gears games with the same terrible quality as Judgement), there goes what's essentially my last reason to stick with MS.. Kinda hope it does, as it would make my decision much easier.