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pokoko said:
I feel kind of bad for people who have to see "AAA" before they can enjoy a game. That's kind of sad.

The problem is that most of those indie titles are available on another platform already.  Furthermore, bigger budget titles are typically more robust, more packed with content, and so on.  Indie titles are an excellent extra to have once you have a nice lineup of traditional retail titles, but they don't substitute those titles.

I'm also not sure why people say Sony isn't supporting the Vita when they have three major games in development. What do they have to do, drop the PS4? The ones not supporting the Vita are western publishers in general.

Three whole games?  Killzone and Tearway I know, but I don't know about the third.  Three titles is not enough especially when third party support is weak in the US.  Compare this to the 3DS's 2013 lineup.  People complain (rightfully) about the Wii U's software drought, but I'd say the Vita's is worse, and the system has been on the market long enough to get their **** together.