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CGI-Quality said:

Well, in the case of NA, I stand by 2:1. Why, they were taking pre-orders for it longer, thus, it probably receieved more pre-orders overall. 

For future reference, you don't need to add the thread title to make a simple point. Comes off as meaninglessly snooty.

Personally, I think 4:1 isn't too far out there to believe.  First, you have to take into consideration this is for preorders, not actual sales, which will include retail sales.  Though, given PS4's $100 cheaper price, I can see them doing better at retail, as well.  Second, the PS4 obviously has much more stock than the Xbox One.  Just looking at Amazon, both launch editions have sold out, yet the PS4 ended at #3, while the One only ended at #7.  We also have leaked Gamestop memos that show the same thing.  And finally, there's just no getting around the fact that there is much more demand for the PS4.  This is evident in the fact that while the PS4 has more stock at online retailers, it sold out much quicker than the Xbox One.  Hell, on Amazon the Xbox One Standard SKU is still in stock, but STILL hasn't broke the Top 100.  While the PS4's Standard SKU is at #29, with 2 other SKUs (excluding the launch edition) in the Top 100.