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The even funnier thing is that when MS fans used to say they were getting exclusive XBLA games like Braid, Limbo, Fez, etc. Sony fans said those games didn't count as real games and only retail games counted...

Now, all of a sudden download seem to be the only games that Sony fans want to talk about...

Also, note how Sony fans always used to call Xbox the Shooter Box... Yet, Sony is the shooter box this gen... MS has no exclusive shooters... While Sony comes out swinging with Blacklight, Warframe, and Killzone.

And of course Sony fans like to tell xbox fans that PC games don't count as exclusives... Yet Planetside 2, Tiny Brains, War Thunder, Warframe are constantly bragged about even though they are all PC games.

And Super Motherload is even better. It is simply the next version of Motherload... Which I can play on any browser supporting flash.