Kratos said:
I'm sorry but you're the one to talk about self superiority: Sales2099: I don't see the problem in that as a Xbox gamer. The idea is to make their console attractive....making multiplats favour one console over another is a stroke of genious, making something for everyone feel like an exclusive, even for a period of time. Buzz and sales will favour them and the competition will get it when the gamers have moved on.
I love it, and if other gamers have to wait, its their fault for not picking the right console. Gamers don't like to wait so I take much pleasure in this. As you think of yourself more deserving of some games because you picked the 'right' console. |
Yes I have a double standard here. Bout time a XBox gamer can stand up and talk about the pros of his console without being shot down instantly. God forbid this happens. With a lot of time spent with Sony on a winnign streak (on the console front anyway), you guys can afford this window of the competition revelling in their console.