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Einsam_Delphin said:
zorg1000 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:
zorg1000 said:

*too much text*

So what, you're just disregarding everything we've heard and seen so far just because you haven't played it for yourself? That's mighty silly dude. The game isn't gonna magically change when you play it. The graphics, online, features, new junk, etc. will be the same as described. Only difference is you'll be experiencing them first hand rather than just seeing or hearing about it.

Yes im not just going to take Nintendos word for it that this game is awesome, of course they are going to say that amd im not going to just assume this game is the best game ever because of a few cool looking trailers. can u honestly say u have never played a game that looked great but once u actually played it u were disapointed?

Basically what ur saying is when u see an epic trailer for a movie, u just assume its going to be a good movie because the preview was so cool. Or when a singer says in an interview that this is his best work yet, he must be telling the truth because who would know better than him.

How do u know the controls wont be janky with the transition to 3D? Or that the story and characters will be horrible? What if the new horde battles are extremely annoying? Maybe 90% of the new pokemon have terrible designs and are based off dumb shit like a book or cheeseburger. Maybe the mega evolutions are way too powerful and makes the game to unbalanced. Maybe there are a bunch of glitches or game ending bugs.

There are countless things that could prevent this game from being the best, although I doubt any of the things I listed will come true, the point is until u have actually played it u and I and everyone else has no idea if this game will be the best or not.

First two paragraphs are bogus filler as you well know I've already explained why the game is better, which clearly has nothing to do with Nintendo saying so or it just looking cool.


Second paragraph is a bunch of silly what ifs, some of which I already went over. Controls are mostly just selecting stuff and movement is grid based, a.k.a. there's really no way to screw that up. Story, characters, gameplay, etc., have basically the same structure with each game. We already know what Horde battles and are and how they work. Whether or not a Pokemon is sucky/awesome is pure opinion appearance wise. Anything too powerful will be banned from competitive play as per usual, and Mega Evos have restrictions and downsides (1 per party, requires held item). Any glitches n bugs can be patched.


So really there are not countless things, infact there are 0 as of right now. Even if there are some in the end, I doubt they'll outweigh X/Y's pros enough to put it below Black/White or any other Pokemon game.

Whether u agree with me or not ,it is physically impossible to know it will be better, its as simple as that. What ur doing is the exact same thing as the people claiming Mario 3D World is the worst Mario game without trying it. 

My first 2 paragraphs were answering ur question and a direct response the what u said, also my examples fit directly into this scenario so nonr of that was filler. Also yes those were a bunch of what ifs and what is wrong with that? Ur assuming this game is the best, IF those things listed happened would u still call it the best? I highly doubt any of them will happen but u have to admit it is possible even tho very unlikely.

Look at ur last paragraph, u doubt any potentail negatives will outweigh the positives. That is admitting u do not know this game will be better, u think it will but u do not personally know and nobody does except for the very few people who have been able to actually play it.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.