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Content of reviews matters to me a great deal. Unless it's a series/developer who have earned my trust, then I just don't have enough money to be buying things willy-nilly without reading a lot about the game first. Even that mantra isn't safe anymore (I'm looking at you, Insomniac).

Trailers are no use either. I'm actually surprised at people saying they are. I love watching a good trailer; but I'm never gonna make a decision to spend £40 or not based on a trailer made as part of a hype machine.

A good review will tell me a number of things about a game, such as: What I'll be spending most of my time doing; length of the title; what the controls are like; what the sound is like. A video review will let me judge on my own the graphics & presentation. Sure, a reviewer will probably offer in a lot of their own opinion in there too, but there's enough substance for me to draw my own opinions based on what they say.

My favourite type of reviews are those that say things like "If you like [x], you'll probably enjoy this". It's what made me take a tumble with the Atelier series because reviews saying it had good turn-based combat and an interesting narrative approach. Which isn't for ever reviewer, but worked really well for me.

The score at the end is the bit I don't really mind too much about. I won't lie and say that if I saw a game with a mid-50's Metacritic I wouldn't be influence; but if it was a title I was seriously thinking of buying, I'd delve into the review and see why they scored it that way.

So yeah. Kinda important, to be honest.