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JayWood2010 said:
NYCrysis said:


"While  these are plausible why would this guy know about what is going internally at studios he does not work for?"

"Im just saying most of this stuff could have been said by your everyday user.  he isnt necessarily going out there telling us anything we dont already know(or think we know)."


lol this is bad news for Xbox?  CBOAT says they are getting exclusives and you are implying im saying this is a bad thing for Xbox? lol

ok then.  Just like prof, dont put word in my mouth.

I know right. If anything Microsoft paying for a Platinum game is a GOOD thing (they're funding a game that might not have existed at all if it weren't for them) - limitting it to Japan... not so much.

Of course if they're purposely paying to make a multiplatform game Xbox One exclusive... well then that's another issue.