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The comparisons of PS3/360 NA market share vs now are ridiculous. Last Gen was the beginning of the HD era and broad bad gaming became mainstream for consoles. PS2 was basically not involved with online experiences and Xbox had Halo with broadband Ethernet port built in every box. Microsoft bet on broadband gaming becoming mainstream and they bet correctly. With the 360 it continued that online focus with Gears of War becoming a huge hit. Americans see Xbox Live as the place to play online games. You honestly think all of these people will switch to PS4? Once Microsoft reaches price parity with the PS4 (and they will if they need to) Xbox will once again at worst sell 1:1 with the PS4. Many people played PS3 online solely because it was free. Charging for multiplayer on Playstation isn't going to help the brand. Sony needs to prove that PSN can compete with Xbox LIVE while Microsoft doesn't need to prove anything. Believe want you want but the majority of gamers aren't going to flock to PS4 solely because they have more faith in XBL. No chance PS4 dominates in NA.