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JayWood2010 said:

I left them out because I dont really understand what they are trying to say lol  I assume manufacturing problems which has also been pretty much confirmed with the delay in numerous countries.

Im not saying this guy is wrong.  Im just saying most of this stuff could have been said by your everyday user.  he isnt necessarily going out there telling us anything we dont already know(or think we know).

As you was reading this was you surprised by any of it?  For me just the Platinum Game part.

I don't know how to feel about CBOAT. I can't tell whether he's just a regular guy, industry insider or otherwise, with a keen sense of observation and research skills or if he really is that godlike at making predictions. Some of the stuff he "comfirms" are "safe", (quotations around safe because comfirming rumors is never truly safe) and some are just out there and still turn out to be factual imformation.

Either way, his word is a good indication of what is true- whether or not it's safe or surprising info (and his record is  great on both). That's why he's a god on Neogaf - much more reliable than the other so-called "insiders" on that site.