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Not surprising. Some maybe surprised, their mistake.

Sometimes people are foolish and think the Xbox brand is bigger than the Playstation brand. Perhaps they messed up and looked at the Playstation brand only from late 2006 to mid 2009? Or they only looked at console sales in NA for the last 5 years? Either way, their mistake.

Here's something to think about. Sony was at it's worst... absolute worst with the PS3. They revealed it and told everyone to get a second job. They released it and had inferior multiplatform games because of the difficult development of games. It was more expensive then the competition. And the didn't right the ship until almost 4 years after launch. Sony was at it's absolute worst with the PS3.

And they still beat Xbox in console sales...

Sony has shown it can come back. Time will tell if Microsoft can. They got the money for sure lol

But why does anyone expect Xbox One to outsell the competition anyway? The first Xbox barely beat the Gamecube ( only 2-3 million more ) and got stomped by the PS2. The 360 got a year and about 8 million units head start, and still sits in last place behind the PS3 and Wii.

So why was this coming gen going to be different by default???