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CGI-Quality said:
richardhutnik said:
CGI-Quality said:
richardhutnik said:

Not sure what the story is for why people do this, outside of they believe their company of choice is going to give them a bunch of cookies for doing the spin.  Sorry folks, the cake and cookies are a lie.

I don't get what you're saying, but I'm assuming you're making a claim that what I said is wrong. If so, how?

I was talking about individuals like the original poster, who will post, and then defend strongly, their biased articles, for some reason, like they are getting a cookie from their company.  They get nothing, outside of an ego stroking, by winning arguments.  My comment was pointed at individuals you spoke about in the last sentence of your post.


BUT, if they want to argue they do get a cookie from their console of choice, for supporting it, here is that cookie:


Ah...misread you, then. My bad. 

No problem.  I know I can end up being combative at times, and argumentative, and my reasons fro posting are to counter.  But now, I am trying to work on more of agreeing and extending things with people.  I need practice in  that area.  On this note of what we are talking about, I am getting sickened by individuals who produce corporate propaganda they are not compensated for, as if it is a form of religious devotion.  I did try to google and argument for why the ONE was competitive technically with the PS4, and had a hard time finding anything.  But then, add the whole looks like a Saturn thing, where at launch the system is $100 more.  Really?  I get people defending this by saying, "But the ONE is far more feature rich than the PS4!"  Is it really?  The blasted Kinect camera and an improved ability to order a pizza is worth $100 more for specs that are seen as inferior?  AT MOST, I can see someone, by some warped logic, could argue that the ONE is marginally superior, eventhough I am not sure how, BUT it is STILL $100 more expensive.

On a practical level, I have no room for any sort of camera to interact with.  My area is too small here.  And dropping $500 isn't up my alley either.  I am down to an OUYA actually, for a new console to play, and trying old school stuff.