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When the military coup started, the common consent in media over here was "the egyptians got frustrated by Mursi and the muslim brotherhood government, the military just listened to will of the vast majority of the population."

Well why didn't they just solve the problem democratically then? Mursi and the muslim brotherhood were not against new elections. Back in february, they already announced new elections to take place starting the 27th of April. But then some court decided there were formal errors in the application and stopped the new elections process. So the elections were ultimately postponed to autumn - why didn't they just wait those few more weeks? The current chaos in egypt will probably last even longer anyway, the negative effects of the military coup and the current massacers will hurt egypt's tourism badly for years.

In my opinion, there's a rather simple explanation:
Because even in new elections, the muslim brotherhood would get the most votes, so new elections would in fact only legitimize the Mursi/muslim brotherhood government for a whole 4 years to come.

I therefor believe that ultimately, the muslim brotherhood and/or their most popular characters will simply not be allowed to be voted.