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So let me break this down.

A week ago a project on Kickstarter was launched and the title was: Metroid: Enemies Within (A Metroid Fan Film).

When I first saw this I was intrigued but not exactly in a good way. A fan is making a Metroid film? Good luck.

As I read on though I found out this was being doing by professionals in the industry who just happened to be huge Metroid fans. Then a few days later the creators did a podcast for a website in which they talked in great length and detail and Metroid: Enemies Within. After listening to it I knew this had to be made.

Now a lot of people are doubting this will work for the simple reason that Nintendo will shut it down. And though that could happen it hasn't yet, so why not donate? If it gets stopped you get your money back, if it doesn't you helped fund a great project.

What it all boils down to is that we honestly don't have anything Metroid to look forward to, unless you count Samus in Smash Bros. but let's be honest that's not enough. The people who are developing this are Metroid fans, they're making this for Metroid fans, they want to prove that Samus Aran can work in a film. They are passionate about this, much like us gamers are about our games, so why not help them out? Let's make a dream come true and get a cool short film in the process.

Then if we invest in this and Nintendo sees it they'll be more likely to put a Metroid game on the fastrack! That's killing two birds with one stone!

Below are the links you need. The first is the Kickstarter Page, the second is the link to the interview where they talk about EVERYTHING you might ask them, the final is a blog done by me as I state why we need to have faith and come together as a gaming community to help make this happen. I also relay a plan on how to do this without breaking the bank.

This really should happen, so please donate and help spread the word, we deserve this Nintendo and Metroid fans, let's make it happen!




In case you didn't know, I have a comic book called Guardians. I'm the writer/creator of it, and we have four issues out right now, with our fifth coming out soon!

We're also doing a Patreon right now for the comic, and I'd appreciate any and all help in getting it funded. If 56 people pledged $3 per issue, we'll be funded

To pledge, click here. Please join Team Guardians!