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thismeintiel said:
JWeinCom said:
thismeintiel said:

Well, you know how it goes.  If Nintendo finds any kind of success with a game genre/device, you just claim that Nintendo invented it and all others are copying, regardless of the fact that their were several similar products before it.  This way Nintendo is the only company that innovates. 

Yup.  The Move wasn't a rip off of the Wii Mote, cause Sony had a weird prototype of of an oversized lollipop.  The fact that the final product wound up shaped like a Wii-mote, had a nunchuck, and came bundled with a sports game was a coincidence. I mean Nintendo didn't make the first motion controller.  They just both had the same idea and Sony coincidentally wound up at the same exact device... with a glowing ball on top...

And Sports Champions was totally original.  I mean, it's not like Nintendo made Sports video games.  And they didn't invent frisbee golf, ping pong, or sword fighting either.  Besides, Sony is totally original because they had Volleyball and Bocce.  Bocce in a motion sports game?!  New and exciting!  (Seriously, Bocce?  I guess Nintendo already took all the good sports and they had to make at least two of them different...)

And Sony didn't copy Just Dance with Everybody Dance.  People have been dancing for millenia.  Besides we had DDR before.  The fact that Everybody Dance plays like Just Dance is purely incidental.  (At least change more than one word in the title... or if you're going to rip it off at least make some improvements like Dance Central...)

PSASBR is also not a rip off of Smash Bros because Smash Bros was actually inspired by the obscure game outfoxies.  Cause you could jump in both of them and pick up items and uhhhhhhh... they had not much else in common (yeah I've seen that excuse thrown out multiple times).  The fact that PS All Stars had a similar art style, pretty much the same HUD, and featured almost the same controls, is just because that's the only possible way to make a mascot fighter.  (Sony even ripped off Nintendo's idea of having a shit online mode where you can't play 1v1 against random people.  Gotta hand it to them on the devotion at least).

And Carnival Island has nothing to do with the success of Carnival Games!  Carnivals have existed for decades, and I'm sure someone made a motion controlled carnival video game before Cat Daddy games.  I mean.... uhhhh... I can't exactly think of any off the top of my head, but I'm sure someone could dig something from the bowels of the internet to show that Sony didn't rip off Carnival games... of all things...

And trophies are absolutely not a rip off of achievements.  I mean, we've been rewarding people for stuff since like ever.  In fact when Microsoft made trophies THEY were actually the ones ripping off my third grade teacher.  Achievements are just gold stars.  Can't blame Sony for ripping off a ripper offer. 

And this clearly isn't a rip off of Nintendogs.  Because tamogatchis existed.  I mean... tamogatchi's didn't feature a similar visual style or play on a touch screened handheld, but still.  Besides, these dogs talk!  And you want walk them in dungeons.  (Cause that's what we buy pet sims for.  Dungeon crawling.  Amirite?)  So that's two things they changed!

In conclusion, Sony is a completely original company who has never ripped off anyone or anything.  The fact that they frequently create a game in a genre after another company has popularized it is just part of what makes them such an amazingly creative company.  I mean, anyone can risk their company's future on an offbeat idea.  Mildly adjusting a previously existing idea and slapping a new name on it?  That takes guts and vision.

Wow!  Such a long response for such a short one.  Must have gotten under skin there, huh?  My day is somehow more complete.  Thank you. 

Truth is ALL companies do this, INCLUDING Nintendo.  So to act like Nintendo is the only company that innovates, while others just copy them, is putting quite a spin on gaming history.

Oh, don't give yourself too much credit.  I have Insomnia and have to do something to kill the time in the wee hours of the morning.  But it's nice that you can really in no way deny that and have to resort to the generic "everyone else is doing it cop out". Yeah, all companies copy things.  The difference with Sony is how frequently they do it, how blatantly they do it, and how little they add.