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brendude13 said:

The GPU doesn't make a system, especially in the case of PS3 vs 360 and Cell vs Xenon.


Well, that used to be true. - As time goes on, the CPU is tasked with doing less when it comes to the graphics rendering pipeline as more of the load has shifted to the GPU, the Xbox 360 and PS3's GPU wasn't exactly known for it's GPU compute afterall, amazing how 6 years of GPU evolution can change the landscape.
If you go back farther CPU's used to handle all the lighting in games which is now done on the GPU when TnL came along with the Geforce 256 and Radeon 7500.

With this console generation things like Physics, Anti-Aliasing (Morphological) and some framebuffer effects not to mention texture decompression (I.E. Rage) was all handled by the CPU, suddenly this next generation the CPU is free of such burdens, which is a *good* thing as it means more serialised processing time for tasks such as A.I.

It also means, that the PS4 having a 500 Gigaflop advantage in GPU compute is *going* to make a difference in all aspects once we are a couple of years into the generation.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--