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I don't know why we're still having this discussion. We *still* haven't seen an actual gameplay screenshot from either system because the demos for BOTH systems were actually high end PC's.

But here's something to put in your craw. All sources agree that the PS4 and XBox 1 have GPU's in the 1.*something* TeraFLOPS range, although until we actually get our hands on the hardware we won't know where each system stands.

We know for a fact the Wii U runs a third or less of this at 0.35 teraFLOPS.

Actual comparison screenshots:

Wii U: 

PS4/ X1:

Yes, I did steal S.T.A.G.E.'s sig because I'm just that lazy.

Conclusion: Whatever the power difference between the PS4 and XB1 exists, it's probably irrelevant. The Wii U is between a factor of three and eight weaker than either console, and yet the actual graphics pumped out are basically one or two notches better at best.