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the-pi-guy said:

Speaking after the game's announcement at Silverstone yesterday, Polyphony Digital CEO and Gran Turismo mastermind Kazunori Yamauchi left the door firmly open to a PS4 version of GT6 - eventually.

"We actually do have a PlayStation 4 version in mind," Yamauchi told a table of journalists as road and race cars thundered around the storied Northamptonshire race track outside. "So for this holiday season, we thought that it would be best for users to release the PlayStation 3 version. I thought the best scenario would be to have the game come out, to have new content and new DLCs every month, and updates coming in for the game; and once players have thoroughly played out the system and played out the game, if the PlayStation 4 version just came out naturally in the progress, I think that's the best scenario."

Asked if it would be possible to transfer your progress from one version of the game to the next, he could only say: "Probably."


A lot of people are waiting for Gran Turismo 6 to be released on PS3, but the title is going to grow gradually with updates. When players will have consumed it fully, the PS4 version will appear naturally. It won’t come too Late, or too early

When asked what he thinks about the PS4, he was surpisingly grounded:

I think it’s a good and neutral (Editor’s note: he actually used the term “Neutral” in English) machine. Since the hardware is well balanced, all I have to do is to make the software happen.


He specifically says "PS4 version".  This suggests that there could be a PS4 version of GT6, rather than a new game.  I don't think he'd say that there would be a GT7 for PS4, because obviously it'll happen at some point.  But his answer suggests a PS4 version of GT6.

You might be right, but there's a chance you could be wrong also.  At this point there's a fair chance of either.

Read again the original source... he was asked for the PS4 plans... not about GT6.

PS4 will have a GT version... means GT7.

And this part in Eurogamer article says everything "Asked if it would be possible to transfer your progress from one version of the game to the NEXT, he could only say: "Probably.""

One version = GT6
Next = GT7