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Having played and completed every Final Fantasy aside from 13-2 (hey its on the backlog and is very close in line!) i really dont hate any of the MAIN characters in the Final Fantasy series just a few dislikes for each one but far from hating. I have 2 with a few urks listed below

Vaan - Was pretty stale IMO but XII itself didn't feel like it had a main character most of the time throughout the game and it didnt help he was childish,he comes the closest to being a character i cant stand but in some ways i feel as though he wasnt even the main character, just along for the ride at times.

Tidus - The main reason is he had such an epic character to compete with in Auron but his crybaby and whiny ways only added to my urks about him ,not to say he was bad though.I warmed more up to him in the later parts of the game.