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So I was looking up some stuff online and saw an article saying that we will achieve it within a decade. Do you think this is likely? Now to my second question, would it be affordable for pc/consoles to run games at that high settings? Would it be for those people who spend absurd amounts of money on gaming pc's?




According to Epic’s Tim Sweeney, we may just have photorealistic games in 10 years time. How could we possibly achieve it? Is it actually a good thing?  

At the Develop Conference, Epic’s co-founder and creator of Unreal Engine, Tim Sweeney, predicted that we may have photorealistic, real-time games in 10 years. In a quote on Eurogamer, Sweeney say that “It’s continuing to improve at Moore’s Law rate. Things are going to get really interesting. We’ll be able to render environments that are absolutely photo-realistic within the next 10 years, like indistinguishable from reality level of graphics.” This is heartening for those gamers yearning for an incredibly immersive experience and are constantly being disappointed by sprites and low-res graphics.