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superchunk said:
So did Sony just setup a few devs whose only job is to create clones of popular Nintendo titles?

Wii sports(Move in general), MK, Smash and now NintenDogs/Cats. Where's Brain Age and Wii Fit? Probably gonna see a Zelda clone pretty soon. Sad part about all of them is that none of them even come close to Nintendo's sales.

C'mon Sony, you do so much better when you focus on your own ideas. Is NaughtyDog the only one able to think outside the box? I don't see Nintendo copying GranTurismo.

Though there's really no way one can deny that Sony has been copying Ninty for a while, this game might not be the same case, as it is not developed by a first party studio. Either way, I don't get the big deal about copying a game. I enjoyed Dante's Inferno more than all the God of War games combined (though I do think they're great). As a consumer, I have no problem with any company copying anyone as long as they improve on a good idea. I also found Sports Champions 10x better than Wii sports, though I'm aware that it wouldn't have existed if wii sports hadn't taken off.