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pezus said:
oni-link said:
My evaluation is DEAD and almost non-existent. Very, very few Nintendo are on this site anymore, those that still view the site are on lurker status now.

Come again?


AlphaCielago - A teenager who loves Nintendo. By no means a common thing.
Cobretti2 - Owns all consoles, but buys multiplats on Nintendo for some inexplicable reason.
Conegamer - Dreams of becoming a mod, but can't even read the clock.
curl-6 - Obsessed with graphics. Gets easily offended by cats.
F0X - Not an animal, but a fan of racing in the future.
forest-spirit - Is just as boring as this reads.
KHlover - Bought a Vita for Dead or Alive 5 Plus. Clearly has a sockshot.
MDMAlliance - Loves to argue with idiots only to be brought down to the same level.
morenoingrato - Used to hate Skyward Sword for its artstyle. Now it's because of the controls.
NintendoPie - Rol's son. Learned to behave after getting disowned by his VGC parents.
noname2200 - Insults people in original ways. Was believed to be Rol's alt account.
osed125 - Has a sick bunny fetish.
Otakumegane - Was sick of VGC and announced that he needed a break. Returned on the next day.
radishhead - I still can't believe he is a moderator.
RolStoppable - Insane ego. Even more overrated than Sony's first party games.
sethnintendo - *Sings* He was playing Animal Crossing, but then he got high.
Soleron - Announced that Nintendo will add backwards compatibility to the Wii. Got people excited.
superchunk - Very delusional. Believed in good third party support for the Wii U.
tbone51 - Compensates his rampant fanboyism by giving Sony credit where no credit is due.
TheKingofRedLions - Say that Nintendo isn't for core gamers and he will come to kick your butt.
TheLastStarfighter - About the only guy in the world who plays Black Ops 2 on Wii U.
TruckOSaurus - The Week That Was, will it ever come back?
Viper1 - Lied about DiRT 2. Will never be forgiven for that.
zorg1000 - Fights the good fight, but tends to forget to bring the right weapons.


Acevil - Abandoned us, because VGC is beneath him.
AIAS - Would rather be a kitten.
Anari - You belong here, but there's nothing else to say.
Arius Dion - Eagerly awaits the day we wake up from the nightmare the industry currently is.
Baddman - Knows that a car that goes at a speed of two miles per hour won't kill a human being.
bobgamez - One of two people who want a Nintendo phone.
burninmylight - Used to be respectable, then it turned out that he is a Vikings fan.
CityOfNoobs - The Mushroom Kingdom does not reject Nintendo fans.
Cougarman - Believes that God and Rol are two different entities.
_crazy_man_ - Is extraordinary ordinary.
Cubedramirez - Has ambition.
cyberninja45 - Incredibly dishonorable player. Picks on weaklings in Mario Kart 7.
DevilRising - Is old enough to remember the old Nintendo.
DieAppleDie - He is such a failure in Luigi's Mansion 2.
EricFabian - Lives in Brazil where they speak Italian-Spanish.
famousringo - If it hadn't been for him, we wouldn't have learned that IGN is biased against Nintendo.
fordy - Knows that Sony is an evil corporation.
johnlucas - So well-versed in giving speeches that he could found a Nintendo religion.
Jumpin - Let's just say that his view of Americans isn't exactly favorable.
ISawYoshi - But we haven't seen much of him.
Maris - Is one sexy beast. Rawr!
Mnementh - Possibly the worst gamer this forum has ever seen. At least that's what he thinks.
MohammadBadir - If you are going to troll, you might as well pick a good avatar to go along with it.
Pavolink - Used to post more. His avatar fits his personality.
POE - Was surprised that Rol is a Nintendo fan.
RCTjunkie - Was worried that a Toadette avatar would make him look gay.
RedInker - It's hard to be respected when everyone associates you with Butters.
Roma - Still doesn't realize that posting "Nintendo is dooooomed!" ceased to be funny years ago.
Spazzy_D - Believes that actual Nintendo fans should encourage the path of self-destruction.
S.Peelman - Would rather believe that third party games are selling the Wii U than the system being trash.
snyps - Vengeful and tactless with no patience.
TomaTito - Remembers our good old friend Frank and the taglines for VGC members.
zippy - Rob Haywood all the way, baby!

LOL...assesment is obviously flawed, since 75% of those guys cannot be considered die-hard Nintendo fans!!!