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Every single thing on that list makes my gaming enjoyable in some way, some affect more than others in certain genres like

I love challenge in strategy/grand strategy games, do like it overall though and usually start any game on hard or higher. Feel most of games today are quite easy even on the hardest possibly difficulty though.

Finishing a game is allways satisfying, that's why I hate the sequelitis games of this gen

Exploration in sandbox games is quite fun as long as the game keeps feeding u lot of good content to find

Novelty is most important to me on FPS games, mostly cause I see 98% of the genre to be roughly the same with different color of paint. There are some expections though like Planetside 1&2.

RPGs have to have some immersion in storyline, otherwise I just drop the game if it feels more like loot grinding which I don't consider RPG at all, I dropped Demons Souls early because of this, it doesn't ahve enough character interaction and the storyline is very weak.

Nearly every game is fun to play with mates online. Heck even some crappy games can give u some good laughs on how crappy they are.