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Wii Sports Resort was my favorite game on the Wii. Also loved the original Wii Sports (I still distinctly remember the feeling of playing Tennis for the first time. Such a glorious moment.) I like a lot of them actually:
- Wii Play Motion is a great party game
- Wii Fit helped me lose weight some year ago (and it actually helped and motivated me)
- Art Academy is fun though only my girlfriend actually owns the 3DS version
- Nintendogs was really cool when it released in 2005
- Brain Age made you feel clever

And I'm sure I would've loved Endless Ocean but I never bought it. You have to see these games for what they are: Wii Fit was not a normal game and shouldn't be compared to traditional games. Same goes for Brain Age. Wii Play was just a compilation of minigames but it was essentially free! Getting Wii Sports + Twilight Princess + Wii Play at launch really made me feel like having lots of stuff to play. God, the early Wii days were amazing.