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psrock said:
sales2099 said:
psrock said:
I agree, although more expensive, less powerful, American bias will still buy it like crazy. Shameful really.

Please stop with the "power" argument. PS2 didn't get the memo, especially when a Gamecube was more powerful then it.

Games, price, and mmarketing matter. Xbox caters to American tastes. That ain't bias, thats earning customers.

You answered your own question. It's not that Japanese people are bias towards xbox or american companies, the iphone is quite popular there, it's that MS caters more to American period. The xbox is going to get killed everywhere except US and UK. That's not bias, the competition is just better. 

Iphone is popular globally, try again.But its a shame you will never experience living in a Playstation territory anytime soon, seeing as you currently live in occupied Xbox turf :P....bicariously living your life through the lens of a country you don't live in.

"Better" is always subjective. Thats where geographical bias comes in and picks a winner.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.