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Conegamer said:
areason said:
NintendoPie said:
areason said:
Nintendo doesn't have the market which would make X a big franchise.

Yeah, okay. Sure.

OT: I doubt Nintendo really wants to delve all that much into JRPG's. It's nice to have some in-house JRPG's every once and awhile. But creating a major franchise (which costs a lot of money to manage) based around a JRPG is risky. Even with the larger fanbase.

I love how people don't try to prove me wrong, they just laugh at what i say. 

Alright then. Let me ask you this: Why exactly can't Nintendo make this into a major franchise? You've seen how Xenoblade did, no? And that was on an effectively dead system in the West, and the outcry from GameStop should make it obvious that people want the game. 

Now imagine the game like X with better graphics, coming out at the peak of the system's life, with major advertising and that fan are from Xenoblade already on the system. With the demand Xenoblade has seen, X should have a plentiful supply. That's a game which should easily double Xenoblades sales, so we are looking at maybe 1.5mil. Is that a major franchise to you? Nintendo certainly has the money for it, and initial responses have been strong. Nintendo knows this is what people want, and the Directs should prove they have an interest in marketing the game. And it all seems perfectly possible. Saying a intends doesn't have the audience is foolish, because if the game looks good, people will buy the system. Looking on this forum alone should confirm this to you.

So now, it's your turn. Explain to me why YOU believe Nintendo could never possibly make this game into a franchise, because they don't have a market on a struggling system which has been out for less than a year. Or will you just laugh instead or proving me wrong, I wonder?

Finally, people won't respond to you properly unless you post your opinion in depth. Had you backed up your thoughts and NinPie had said that, I may have reported him, or pointed it out to him. Then, you would be in the right. But you can't expect deep responses ifnyounput in no effort in the first place.

The best post in this thread by far. I agree the game looks good and it will sell more then its predesassor, and it will also move units. But as i previously said nintendo doesn't havelarge amount of the rpg market, or people interest in jrpgs in order to make X a big franchise, potentially the new zelda as the op stated. Most rpg fans will be getting the ps4/x1 or will have a pc, and one rpg alone won't be enough for them to justify the purchase of a new system no matter how good it is. Making an amazing game and marketing it well isn't enough when the typical consumer buying your console isn't a fan of rpgs. 

I definately think that X will do good and that it will be a great game, i myself am interested in it even though i have no intention of getting a wii u, but it will not have 3,4,5 million + of sales to make it a big franchise.