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The problem with amnesty is that it's a slap in the face to the people who are waiting for a chance to com here on a guest worker program of immigration lottery. It's a slap in the face to my friend who went to school in the US for 7 years and then was sent home because he didn't find a job within 10 months of graduation with his MS in Computer Science. (It's harder to find a job if you are foreign since it costs the employer money to sponsor you.) Our government should encourage people who go to school here to stay instead of going home to compete against us. They should also want immigrants who respect our laws and borders here, not the criminals. (And yes, if you are an "illegal" immigrant you are a criminal.)

If you believe that these folks can be successful and contribute to society then pay a visit to West Valley City, UT.

I am not racist at all. I do believe, however, that some cultures are superior to others. We have a culture (used to) that breeds success. (Now we punish success, but that is another discussion.)

I believe the way to handle this problem is start jailing people who hire the illegals (rarely happens) and pay more for goods that higher wage earners produce. I suspect, however, that if we cut the indefinite unemployment "benefits" people will start taking other jobs.

BTW, people in line for the free backpack likely go get in line for taxpayer money after that. They clearly are not working if they have time to stand in that line. These are the folks who will further drain the welfare system. Do we really need them here?

I think the government should instead sit down with the families of people killed by illegals (usually hit by drunk ones) and explain why their loved ones are dead because they failed to do their jobs.


Remember everyone, we gave amnesty in 1986 to a million illegals and they promised us NEVER AGAIN. The government does not (and will not ever) tell the truth. We should wait for them to secure the borders like was promised in 86 before allowing this to occur again.